
Submission Abstract and Paper Submission Participants are invited to submit original abstract not more than 300 words (in doc file). Abstracts should explain clearly the main objectives or achievements and should include title of the paper; name and affiliation for each author; and e-mail address of the corresponding author; a maximum of 5 keywords of the paper. Abstract submission may be done by emailing to ( or by using easychair system. Therefore, applicants are required to have an easychair account to submit the document. If you already have an easychair account, you can use that account to submit abstract to ICESD 2019. You will be asked to upload an abstract during the submission, so please have it ready with you. Submission Instructions 1. Please log in to the system and fill in all the mandatory fields. 2. Upon a successful login, you will see the main interface. Click on “New Submission“. 3. Follow the instructions, step by step, to fill the online form (add Authors, Title of your paper, Abstract and list of Keywords to your submission manually) and at the end tick the “Abstract Only” box. 4. Submit the abstract, you do not have to submit the full paper. Upload an abstract in ‘Paper’ of upload field. 5. Once your online submission is successful, you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your submission and your submission will be given a reference number. If you have not received the acknowledgement email or the result notification emails within 2 (two) days after submission, you can contact us by email at ( 6. Use the following template for the abstract: Full Paper Submission Rules: Full paper must be submitted before November 17, 2019 – 23:59 (All times and date are in GMT +7). Selected paper will be offered to be published indexed by Scopus. All full paper must be prepared according to the guidelines provided in the IOP Template. Please notice the minimum number of pages is 4 (four) and the maximum is 8 (eight) *Please do not submit the same abstract many times. Edit